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21 Days of Meditation

A popular method for building a habit is the 21/90 rule. Its says that it take a person 21 days to form a habit and the practice should be continued for another 90 days to form a lifestyle change. Meditation has become an interesting topic of study. The Dalai Lama asked neuroscientist to use their technology to study the mind of meditators. What Mass General and Harvard Medical neuroscientist, Sara Lazar's found in one of her studies on meditation, was that as most people's cortex shrink as they age, the brain of a 50 year-old meditator showed to have the same amount of grey matter in the brain as those half their age. Grey matter is where most information processing happens. You can check out Sara Lazar's TED talk here.

In these 21 days you will be guided through each meditation through a span of 30 minutes each day. We will explore a variety of meditation techniques that will help you connect to breath. Each session will start with a short practice of pranayama (breathing exercises) which will help deepen your connection. During our practice, I will talk through a few topics about meditation that may deepen your understanding or the practice. I will also be prompting journal topics, for those who resonate with it and find that something special comes up during the meditation. As a way to expand and share our experiences, you can choose to be added to ELY Wellness Tribe Facebook group.

Embark on this journey of self discovery, revitalization and stillness with us. If your feeling bogged down with the way this year has gone, if you're feeling stress and anxiety from your day to day life or simply want to enhance your habitual practice, this is the opportunity you've been waiting for!

Read below for an overview of the course outline!

  • Access to 21 days of recorded guided 30 minute meditations so you can practice when it works best for you. 

  • Practical knowledge about a variety of meditation styles.

  • You will learn a variety of breathing techniques that will help you get deeper into your meditation practices.

  • Teacher and community support via our Facebook group - ELY Wellness Tribe.

  • Journaling prompts

  • With each purchase of the course, you receive a 20% discount any of my session offerings after the course to help you maintain a regular practice.

*This course is available live in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Please get in contact with me if you would like to take this course in Spanish or Portuguese when you register.

Course Outline
  • Week 1: Cultivating Abundance

    • Three phases 

      • Preparing for Abundance (Day 1-2)​

      • How to Attract Abundance (Day 3-4)

      • Applying the Practical Aspects of Abundance (Day 5-7)​

  • Week 2: Harnessing your Strength

    • Three Phases

      • Connecting with Our Inner Child (Identifying our Inherent Strengths) (Day 1-2)

      • Letting go of Pasted Perceptions (Embracing Our Strengths) (Day 3-4)​

      • Embodying the Strength within Us. (Growing Our Strengths) (Day 5-7)​

  • Week 3: Connecting through Love

    • Four Phases

      • Connecting with the Divine Self through Self Love (Day 1) ​

      • Transfering Love to Others​ (Day 2)

      • Changing with Nature (Day 3)

      • Exploring Meditation Practices (Day 4-7)

Image by Annie Spratt
Image by Hans Vivek

Prices and Packages

Regular Price: $50
Couples/Buddies Price: $75

Register Now

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